KU CubeWorlds

Bringing the universe to your fingertips ... in cube form!

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Name and Short Description Cut-and-paste CubeWorld Origami-balloon CubeWorld
Mars: The Red Planet, perhaps most nearly Earth-like of all the planets in the Solar System.
Phobos: The larger of two moons orbiting Mars, but small enough to walk around in just a few days.
Venus: The surface of Earth's nearest neighbor, revealed by peering through its thick clouds.
Name and Short Description Cut-and-paste CubeWorld Origami-balloon CubeWorld
Enceladus: An infrared view of this icy moon of Saturn, revealing heat sources near the southern pole.
Neptune: The furthest, coldest planet in the Solar system has only been visited by a single spacecraft.
HD 189733b: The first map of a planet beyond our Solar System, showing its temperature as measured in infrared light with NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
Name and Short Description Cut-and-paste CubeWorld Origami-balloon CubeWorld
Cosmic Microwave Background: The residual temperature fluctuations left over from the Big Bang, as measured by NASA's WMAP probe.
Moon: Our own Moon, as it would be seen by our eyes in visible light.
Earth: Our planet Earth, blank except for national boundaries. Perfect for coloring before folding!
Name and Short Description Cut-and-paste CubeWorld Origami-balloon CubeWorld
Earth: Our planet Earth, shown as it would be seen by our eyes without clouds.
Jupiter: A "gas giant" planet, and the biggest planet in our Solar System. Can you find the Great Red Spot?
Luhman 16B: The nearest Brown Dwarf (bigger than planets, not quite a star) to our own Solar System.
Name and Short Description Cut-and-paste CubeWorld Origami-balloon CubeWorld

Assistance Welcome

The CubeWorlds team is particularly interested in translation assistance in order to make our Cubes as widely available as possible. If you are fluent in a language and are willing to help translate the text in our downloads, please contact.


  • CubeWorlds is also the result of a team effort, including contributions by PI Ian Crossfield, Connor Sutton (B.S. 2020), David Coria (PhD est. 2024), Kate Wienke (B.S. est. 2024), and Dr.\ Jennifer Delgado.
  • CubeWorlds is made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation, NSF grant AST-2108686.

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